Investment agreements

Investments Legislation

Investment agreements as a crucial element of business

Drafting airtight investment agreements does not belong to the category of simple tasks. Using ready-made solutions is not the best option, because those generally available templates don’t secure the interests of all parties. Even the slightest error in this type of document can lead to severe consequences. It can be avoided by working with an experienced law firm. Choose to work with us if you’re looking to be certain that your investment agreement checks all the boxes, complies with the law, and effectively protects your interests.

Legal services covering investment processes is our field of expertise, where we have both the necessary knowledge and vast experience. We have been working with entities which operate in the internet and technology industries for many years. Our knowledge of the tech industry allows us to create better investment agreements, which cover a whole range of legal and business issues.

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Kancelaria Prawna Warszawa

Investment Law

Investment agreements - our experience

As we are well aware of the character of the industry to which investment agreements refer, we can offer our Clients professional support in this field. We advise different entities, both investors and the companies which seek external funding.

We draft investment agreements for transactions involving business angels. We not only draw up the necessary paperwork but also take part in the process of negotiating investment deals. Our offer includes providing legal counsel to venture capital and private equity funds, and we make sure their transactions proceed effectively and all issues are properly regulated.

The legal services of the investment processes which we offer include drafting term-sheets. These documents set out the key terms for the investment and the means for the transaction. The scope of our activities also includes drawing up exit agreements, loan agreements, including the so-called convertible notes.

The Linke Kulici Law Firm offers legal counsel at every stage of the investment process, before, during, and following the transaction. With our support, you can make beneficial decisions for your business and you don’t have to be concerned about any legal issues. We effectively secure your interests and we provide support in the scope of investment policy.

We perform legal audits of companies, which are due to become the subjects of investment processes. They provide reliable information regarding such a company and the condition it is in. Meticulous due diligence provides means for assessing if the planned investment is beneficial and allows for the discovery of any risks involved.



Obsługa prawna inwestycji


Our experienced team of Polish Attorneys and Lawyers
Attorney at law Jan Linke / Attorney at law Warsaw / Lawyer Warsaw / Linke Kulicki Law Firm
Jan Linke
Attorney-at-law | Partner

Partner, President of the Management Board. Attorney-at-law specialized in the broad scope of business law, with a particular interest in corporate governance. Between 2021 and 2021 associated with the Aviva Group, where he was responsible for providing legal counsel to Aviva Group and took a seat on the board of Aviva PTE. Within his engagement with Aviva, he was assigned to the legal M&A team based in London. Prior to Aviva, he was also employed within the legal department of Nationale Nederlanden. He holds a seat within the Professional Conduct Commission of the Warsaw Bar Association.

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Attorney at law Lukasz Kulicki / Attorney at law Warsaw / Lawyer Warsaw / Linke Kulicki Law Firm
Łukasz Kulicki
Attorney-at-law | Partner

Attorney-at-law, Partner at Linke Kulicki Law Firm specializes in providing legal services to companies in the IT, new technology, and internet industries, as well as entities undergoing digital transformation. He is an expert in negotiating IT contracts, especially implementation agreements, agreements for the provision of IT services (including cloud-based services), and body-leasing contracts. He also provides counsel within the scope of personal data protection (GDPR), e-commerce, and intellectual property law. Member of the expert team for utilizing new technologies in commercial law within the Ministry of National Assets Owner Supervision Reform Commission. Analyst dealing with legal aspects of civil changes caused by the development of new technologies at the Security Research Center of the War Studies Academy.

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Łukasz Kulicki
Piotr Kuźnicki

Attorney in Poland and the United States in the New York State. Expert in corporate law, M&A transactions and corporate disputes. He has broad experience in advising startups, VC and public companies. He is an Assistant Professor at the SWPS University where he lectures on corporate law, venture capital transactions and civil law. He published a book on “The Boundaries of Legal Personality of a Corporation” and is the author of numerous articles on corporate law published in reputable legal journals. He regularly is a speaker at legal conferences and conducts industry training. He graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw (summa cum laude) and UC Berkeley Law School (pro bono honors). He holds the Ph.D. in Legal Sciences from the University of Warsaw. He also studied at the University of Florida Levin College of Law and conducted research at Yale and UCLA universities.

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Łukasz Kulicki
Radosław Giler

Attorney at Linke Kulicki Law Firm. Completed attorney apprenticeship by the District Bar Association in Warsaw. Litigation lawyer in cases related to the broad scope of civil law, particularly commercial and inheritance law. Experienced in the field of real-estate development. He serves business entities and local governments. He utilizes his passion and knowledge of penal law mainly in fiscal offenses cases. His honesty, great communication skills, and individual, often unconventional approach to cases are much appreciated by his Clients.

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Client Testimonials

What our Clients say?

Polecam Kancelarię Linke Kulicki w sprawach doradztwa związanego z umowami IT. Kancelaria dysponuje specjalistami, którzy doskonale rozumieją specyfikę branży i są w stanie szybko opracować adekwatną strategię działania. Dodatkowo, w swoich rekomendacjach Kancelaria zachowuje wysoką dojrzałość, wchodzi w rolę mediatora oraz stara się znajdować rozwiązania zadowalające wszystkie strony, dzięki czemu tworzy szansę zakończenia negocjacji sukcesem.

Razem z Kancelarią Linke Kulicki tworzyliśmy wiele umów wdrożeniowych dla naszego software house’u. Zawsze profesjonalnie, z dbałością o szczegóły i komentarzem, co dane postanowienie oznacza. Cenimy ich proaktywną postawę, zrozumienie naszego biznesu i wzorcową komunikację.

Kancelaria Linke Kulicki posiada duże doświadczenie w praktycznych aspektach kontraktacji prac IT. Dzięki jego pomocy udało nam się wyjść z impasu negocjacyjnego dotyczącego praw własności, procedur odbioru prac oraz warunków utrzymania.

Kancelaria Linke Kulicki od dawna obsługuje CodeApps zarówno jeśli chodzi o przygotowanie umów, jak i wsparcie merytoryczne. Jesteśmy bardzo zadowoleni z tej współpracy, która od początku przebiega bardzo profesjonalnie. Łukasz rozumie specyfikę naszej branży i jest dla nas dostępny zawsze, gdy go potrzebujemy.